January 31, 2007

Spam. Time to end it all.

Finally somebody has left a comment on my blog, and it's SPAM! Not content with leaving an average of 60 emails a day trying to sell me cheap shares and performance enhancers for my nether regions, the bastards have started spamming my blog. Well, Mr/s Happysky1, or whatever you choose to call yourself, you have not made me happy, and I would be delighted if you shoved whatever it is you're trying to sell where the light of the sky is never seen. Except, of course, you're not reading this because you are some sort of 'webbot' created by a social misfit in California who has taken a few minutes away from attending to his rampaging acne to ruin the rest of our lives by wasting our time with e-bollocks. So I guess I'm ranting to myself, again.

Meanwhile, William has seen the way that the world is going, and has decided to take the necessary steps. I can't say I blame him. I hobbled in to see him and Sarah at the Chelsea and Westminster this afternoon, and there seems no immediate release date in sight. He had an interesting test today involving watching a flashing light whilst wearing a variety of electrodes and a net bag on his head. No wonder the poor boy seems to have a diminishing grasp of things, and is clinging to dear life to the unchanging certainties of his Thomas DVDs.

On the way back, I changed bus at Clapham Junction, and decided to wander up and have a look at the fateful junction where I met my BMW shaped nemesis. Perhaps I was hoping that I would have some flash of memory to replace the gaping void that still remains. Nothing. None of those Hollywood style flashbacks. Just a vague sense that I looked a bit silly loitering by the crossing without any clear intention of actually crossing the road. Ironically, it did cause passing motorists to slow down a little. I hope I get to see the 3rd party witness statements at some point, because it really is the oddest sensation, having such a life-changing experience without remembering a single thing about it. Although, of course, at my 18th, 21st and 30th birthdays, I did attempt to achieve the same effect with alcohol. Not to mention my wedding. And every Christmas.

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