January 03, 2007

2007 so far

2006 had one last sting in the tail - my flat was burgled on New Year's Eve. Fortunately, although the flooding had meant that my parents had thoughtfully boxed and giftwrapped all of my worldy goods for easy transferral to an unmarked van, the little scrots concerned seemed keener to simply scatter everything over the floor and leave me guessing as to what they had taken. If they have a sense of humour, they will have taken random kitchen implements that I will be spending months searching for, in the apparently certain knowledge that it wouldn't have been stolen as nobody would want to steal a zester. I doubt they have a sense of humour. At last this was some misfortune that I could really properly blame on somebody. The girls may have heard some choice words about how I intended to fricasee some reproductive organs. I'm trusting it happened on New Year's Eve 2006, as this will still allow 2007 to show some improvement. And it's so far so good. We're even taking some wickets in Sydney.

In the absence of real cash, I persuaded the family en masse to come shopping with me so that I could ask for some friendly advice on how to spend my Marks and Spencer's vouchers. It was on the strict understanding that I would not be left looking after the children whilst Sarah looked at knickers. In the spirit of taking me at my word, Sarah in fact left me looking after the children whilst she looked at sports bras. The only significant injury sustained during my tenure of the girls was a blow to Ellie's head from a dumbell wielded by Hope, so it was quite a successful afternoon from that point of view. William goes into hospital tomorrow, leaving me in charge of the girls for at least two days, so I shall be checking that the first aid box is adequately stocked. We did finally make it to Marks and Spencer's. Sarah spent half of my vouchers on a sports bra, and guffawed at my interest in a Harris Tweed jacket. Still, it means that Sarah gave me cash instead, so I shall shortly be parading my latest loud shirt from the shelves of TKMaxx, where at least I feel on safe ground. I might go there on my own though.

My leg is still there. I have fashioned an 'under-cast scratcher' from a plastic ruler, melting a pointed ridge into one end. This has made for some very pleasant hours. William caught me scratching yesterday, and decided he wanted a go too. It was at least an improvement on his usual game of knocking my crutches over because he enjoys the clattering noise. I shall miss him for the next few days, and Sarah too. I shall be able to pop over to the flat though, as the builders are there, finally sorting things out. I did try and get in yesterday, but after an hour and a half on the bus, and arriving with a swollen bladder, I opened the now rather rickety door to see that the floor had been screeded, and so I was going no further. What a shame it hadn't been done on New Year's Eve. We could have followed the cement footprints to wherever the burglars are hanging out, wondering what to do with their haul of idiosyncratic kitchen implements.

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