October 31, 2006

Chocolate surfing

Happily, after yesterday’s exertions, all is back to normal on the sofa. It was glorious to be out, was good for the soul, and great to see so many familiar faces at the pub. Andy – whose intact return from the land of unexploded ordinance we were celebrating - is back off to Angola shortly, but has said he will look in on the blog. Prove it Andy! (I shall be looking for comments…) There has been little action on the proofreading front, and I am happy to give my new walking habit a rest for the day, as it is pretty chilly out, and my masonic trousers only provide warmth to one leg. William is being kept out of trouble by a nurse, who seems tuned-in to his Thomas obsession and ability to spend 45minutes building towers and knocking them down again. So, it’s back to the nest, and time for a bit more aimless surfing.

It is difficult to imagine what I could have done before the world-wide web was at my fingertips. I can only assume that I read books. After all, I did end up with an English degree. But I can’t seem to remember a time when I didn’t spend my free moments researching the yacht that I’m going to buy and moor next to my beachfront property on a Scottish island. The fantasy shopping that can be done strolling down Burlington arcade is nothing compared to that which can be done from the comfort of the sofa. Recent highlights have included endlessly researching the possibilities of selling my apparently permanently flooded flat and buying a barn to convert in Brittany. I’ve also looked into the practicalities of keeping chickens.

There are clear patterns to be discerned from a ‘history folder’. Today, even the most amateur of psychologists would have worked out that I had run out of chocolate. Hence the visits to Montezumas, Hotel du Chocolat, and Choccywoccydodah. And, immensely gratifyingly, Google spotted a spelling mistake in the latter, and suggested ‘Did you mean Choccywoccydoodah? It’s great to know that even American search engines know their way to a decent chocolate shop. I know, too, that Andy shares my enthusiasm for fine chocolate. I wonder if they deliver to Angola?

To my mind though, what makes the web so annoyingly addictive is its ability to draw you off in all sorts of unpredictable directions. And so it was that a trip to an online chocolate shop led me to a link to the LPO’s website. I have attached a screenshot. I had no idea that they had branched out.

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