The main feature of this space-age piece of robotics is a release-able bolt that turns the whole device into a spring. This should, of course, turn me into an athlete; my cyber-calf a technologically enhanced coil of potential energy. Sadly, when I saw my surgeon yesterday, he decided not to release it, as my bone has been shifting a little again and needs no furher encouragement. So I had to hobble out in my usual state. At least I had my stitches removed - a saga that involved two nurses, a registrar and an artery clamp. And took about twenty minutes. It seems that the sewing was a little unconventional. Short of putting his feet against the wall to gain enough purchase, I'm not quite sure how the reg could have pulled any harder, and when the thread finally came out, I half expected to find a salmon on the end of it.
The plus-side of all of this is that my leg is still fully supported by the device, so I still have the strength to pull an emergency stop, and thus drive legally. Which is a joy. Even though I have spent most of my time behind the wheel stuck in traffic jams either on the way to Tonbridge School or the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. But it's worth it, if only to see the look on people's faces as I get out of the car and reach for my crutches. As my friend Alice pointed out, I couldn't look any more like a benefit scrounger turning up to sign on if I tried. All of which matters very little, compared to the unalloyed pleasure of being able to get around wherever I want to. And if I am delighted about my window of driving opportunity, that is nothing compared to the joy shown by William as we finally loaded him up into his car seat last night to break him out of hospital after his month-long stay. He was squirming so delightedly that he lost complete control of every limb. So it's handy I don't get quite that happy when I get behind the wheel.
The other driving related piece of news is that Mr. BMW driving, highway code ignoring leg-wrecker has pleaded guilty to driving without due care and attention. And received 9 points and a £300 fine. I'm not quite sure what the fine is supposed to prove. In driving offence terms, it's probably pretty harsh, especially given his guilty plea. In any other, more moral light, a £300 fine is a bad joke. Perhaps some words of explanation were offered by the magistrate. Given that I was not invited to the hearing, they could only ever have been irrelevant. However, the positive news is that the various different witness reports clearly seem to have pointed the finger of blame. If I ever get to read them, I might even be able to piece things together myself.
Having sprung William from the Chelsea and Westminster, I was quite lucky to be free of the place myself. Another pin-infection has sprung up, and started to make itself felt, as is usual, at the weekend. With my GP's surgery shut, I thought a quick trip down to A&E at Chelsea whilst William and Sarah were upstairs would leave me furnished with the necessary bottle of antibiotics. Six hours later, with a wristband and hospital number, and after an x-ray, countless blood tests and two lots of intravenous drugs, I finally emerged. It was only due to the now familiar nonchalance of an orthopaedic registrar that I managed to escape a ward admission. Lesson learned - next time my pins look a little worrisome, wait until Monday to sort it out.
So, two more days of half term, and a semblance of normality has returned. William is back, and spending the afternoons rifling through his Thomas DVDs. Sarah's parents, who had once again marvellously stepped into the breach, are off home, and leaving us with a bed to sleep in. And the girls are glad to see their Mum back, and to re-assert their authority. As I walked them to school this morning, the first whiffs of resurging oestrogen could be caught on the morning breeze. How wonderful that the car that sits on the driveway now presents a real opportunity.
Glad to vacate the bed at 108 in favour of our own! See you next admission!
Didn't think next admission would come so quickly!!!
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